Public Scholarship

On occasion I write for broader audiences, and in particular I keep an eye on new work in fantasy fiction and like finding ways to discuss it.

  1.  "Getting Past Form: On The Value of Literary Ideas.” Aesthetics for Birds. link

  2. "How I came to George Eliot: The Scourge of the Unwilling.” The Victorian Web. link

  3. “A Simple Proposal for Ending The Jobs Crisis.” Academe. link

  4.  Lev Grossman, The Magician’s Land. MAKE Literary Magazine. link

  5. “Critique: The History of a Premise.” Essay for colloquium, “We, Reading, Now” at the Stanford Arcade. link

  6.  Review of Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance. MAKE Literary Magazine. link

  7. “Does Reading Really Make Us Better People? Some Questions On Ethics and Literature.” Changing Lives Through Literature. link