Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
The list below includes links to my published essays in their original venues, as well as final manuscript copies for those unable to access the relevant scholarly databases. If you would like to see any of the forthcoming work before it’s published, please feel free to get in touch!
"The fragility of rationality: George Eliot on akrasia and the law of consequences.” The British Journal for the History of Philosophy (2020). Pre-print online version. link / manuscript
“The Varieties of Self-Realization: Art, Work and the Self in Late-Victorian Literature.” Modern Philology 117.4 (2020): 515-539. link / manuscript
“Honesty and Inquiry: W.K. Clifford’s Ethics of Belief.” With Nikolaj Nottelmann. The British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28.4 (2020): 797-818. link / manuscript
“Sympathy, Vocation, and Moral Deliberation in George Eliot.” English Literary History 85.2 (Summer 2018): 501-532. link / manuscript
“The Gospel of Work: An Annotated Bibliography.” Oxford Bibliographies in Victorian Literature. Ed. Juliet John. New York: Oxford University Press. First published Fall 2017; updated Summer 2018. link / manuscript
“A Washy Draught and a Husky Morsel: Feeling, Judgment, and the Autonomous Self in Jane Eyre.” Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature (Fall 2016): 1-15. link / manuscript
“Anthony Trollope on Akrasia, Self-Deception, and Ethical Confusion.” Victorian Studies 56.4 (Summer 2014): 649-674. link / manuscript
“In Defense of Paraphrase.” New Literary History 44.1 (January 2013): 117-139. link / manuscript
“Jane Austen on Love and Pedagogical Power.” Studies in English Literature 51.4 (November 2011): 747-763. link / manuscript
"Freedom, Self-Obligation, and Selfhood in Henry James.” Nineteenth Century Literature 66.1 (June 2011): 69-95. link / manuscript
Book Chapters
“Autonomy, Divinity, and the Common Good: Selflessness as a Source of Freedom in Thomas Hill Green and Mary Augusta Ward.” Women Philosophers on Autonomy (New York: Routledge, 2018). link / manuscript
“He Had Taught Himself to Think: Anthony Trollope on Self-Control in Knowledge and Belief.” The Edinburgh Companion to Anthony Trollope (Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 2018). link / manuscript
“Literature, Economics, and A Turn to Content.” With Bryan Yazell. Forthcoming in The Minnesota Review.
“Literature and the New Liberalism: Positive Freedom and Aesthetic Form.” Forthcoming in Literature Compass.
“Mind the Gap: Social Science and Its Uses of Literature.” With Klaus Petersen and Bryan Yazell. The Uses of Literature. Ed Anne-Marie Mai. Forthcoming.